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How to manage Attribute of "Create Screen Page" for multiple entity having similar attributes




  • Niyati Thaker

    Hi Kajal,

    Even if the entity types share common attributes for create wizard, you need to configure the this component UI configuration entitytype wise separately. If there is any tenant level or domain level configuration present for rock-entity-create component, then that should be deleted. 

    Also, please check if there are any UI configuration with this component conflicting each other. Secondly please check attributes mentioned in list is till mapped with the entity type in the model. let us know if you are still facing any issue after checking these two things.

  • Kajal Prajapati
    Conversation starter

    Hi Niyati,

    Appreciate the quick response from you!

    I have Followed the steps/Analysis you mentioned above. Here are the comments.

    1) After verifying the UI Files, there was no Conflicting file present in the system with the same component name.

    2) I have deleted file at tenant level. 

    3) All the attributes mappings are with entity type are correct.

    After Analysis i found that, In the Context section of create file i was using "domain" as "thing" which was causing the issue. After removing this properties from the Context section of "rock-entity-create_entitytype" file it is working fine.

    Query: How does it impact the file, if i mention "domain" properties as "thing"/"party" at entity type level ? 

    Difference in the file are highlighted below in the screenshot.

    Not working File.

    Working File

  • Niyati Thaker

    Ideally it should not matter. Can you check what is the coalesce path given in the config-context-settings file. Based on the path, if entitytype is after domain then that should take precedence over domain.

    Also, as per best practice for UI configurations better to define only those contexts in the file which is needed. Rest all let system auto-generated it when you zip and upload.

  • Kajal Prajapati
    Conversation starter

    This is my CoalescePath.


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